UT Tyler OU Campus Training


OU Campus Training and Standards

Assets are reusable content such as text, images, code blocks, links, etc. Reusable content is convenient when working with multiple files that require the same information, such as number of students on campus or the core curriculum.

As reusable content is updated in the Asset file, the content is updated and published on all the pages using the Asset  with the same name.

To request an Asset for your department, or access to edit an existing asset, contact the UT Tyler Web Team.

Working with Assets

  1. While in the JustEdit Editor, place the cursor where the Asset will be entered.
  2.  Find and click on the Asset Manager icon in the toolbar.
  3. After clicking the icon, an Asset selection screen will appear. You will then see a list of all Assets to the left, and a window to preview the Assets will be on the right. Scroll through the Asset window to select the asset you wish to add. You will see the Asset in the window to the right.

    Once you select the Asset, Press the "Select Asset" button.

The Asset will be entered into the page where the cursor was placed. If the Asset is a "Text Only Asset", or a "Web Content Asset" with no block level HTML code (such as p or div tags), the Asset will preview with the content inside of a wrapper:

If the Asset is a "Web Content Asset" with block level HTML code, a "Source Code Asset", or an "Image Gallery Asset", it cannot be previewed in the WYSIWYG Editor, but it will still have a wrapper:

Note that even though the Asset is not displayed in the WYSIWYG Editor, it will still render in the page preview. However, "Source Code Assets" will not render with preview.

NOTE: There are many Assets being added to the UT Tyler Assets folder. Please check through the current Assets prior to requesting an Asset.

For more details, see Inserting Assets documentation.