A teacher using AI technology to create visualizations in a classroom, with images and data dynamically projected on a large screen. Students at their desks interact with the visualizations on their monitors, while the classroom setting includes bookshelves filled with books, highlighting a blend of traditional and modern educational tools.

Bringing Concepts to Life: AI Image Generation in the Classroom

Written by Emily Davidson, Office of Digital Learning


As educators, you are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage your students and foster their creativity. In recent years, the emergence of generative AI image tools has opened up a new realm of possibilities for enhancing the learning experience. These tools use artificial intelligence to generate images from text descriptions, opening up new possibilities for creating visual aids, lesson materials, and interactive learning experiences. 

One such tool that instructors in higher education may find useful is Microsoft Designer, developed by OpenAI. This platform allows users to generate images simply by providing a text prompt, making it an accessible and powerful resource for educational purposes. Importantly, Microsoft Designer is currently available for free use (with some limitations). 

Understanding Generative AI Image Tools

Generative AI models are trained on vast datasets of existing images and text, learning to recognize patterns and relationships between different visual elements. When provided with a text description, these models can generate new images that correspond to that description by combining and blending various elements in novel ways. 

While there are several generative AI image tools available, some of the most popular and widely used include:

  • Microsoft Designer (Free)
  • Midjourney (Free & Paid)
  • DALL·E 3 (Free)
  • Leonardo (Free & Paid) 

Each tool has its own unique strengths and capabilities, catering to different user needs and preferences.

Pocket Workshop: Using Microsoft Designer

Now, let's dive into a step-by-step tutorial on how to create an image using Microsoft Designer, one of the most accessible and user-friendly generative AI image tools:

Step 1

Visit the Microsoft Designer website (follow the link) and sign up for a free account.
A screenshot of the Microsoft Designer interface, featuring a header with "Create anything you can imagine" and a search box with a prompt suggestion. Below, there are examples of AI-generated images, including a floral pattern, a neon-lit beach scene, gourmet burgers, a cute cartoon elephant, a stylized ocean wave, and a vibrant vinyl record player scene.

Step 2

Once logged in, you'll see a text box where you can enter your image description or prompt.

Step 3

Craft a detailed and specific text prompt for the desired image. Microsoft Designer performs best with precise descriptions. For example, " A happy bald eagle wearing a graduation cap sitting on college books in an illustrative style."

 it shows a user interface for an AI image generation tool. The interface displays a text input field with the prompt "A happy bald eagle wearing a graduation cap sitting on college books in an illustrati" and a purple "Generate" button, suggesting the user is about to create an AI-generated image based on that description.

Step 4

Click the "Generate" button, and Microsoft Designer will begin generating images based on your prompt. This process may take a few minutes. Microsoft Designer will present you with four image options based on your prompt.

Step 5

Review the generated images and select the one that best suits your needs.

image of a cartoon eagle wearing a graduation cap

Step 6

Download or share the selected image as needed for your lesson plans, assignments, or classroom discussions.

Citing AI-generated images

It's important to note that while generative AI image tools can be powerful resources, they should be used responsibly and with proper attribution when necessary.

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Use Cases

Potential Applications in Education Instructors can leverage Microsoft Designer and similar tools in various ways, such as:

  • Creating visual aids and diagrams for complex concepts
  • Generating prompts for creative writing or art assignments
  • Illustrating hypothetical scenarios or thought experiments
  • Producing visual examples for case studies or problem-based learning

By incorporating generative AI image tools into their teaching practices, instructors can enhance their lessons with engaging visuals, foster creativity, and provide interactive learning experiences for their students.

💡 TIP! – Use an AI text generator to come up with prompts for you! ChatGPT, Bing Copilot, Claude ai, are popular and free text generators you can use.

Use Cases

The below examples were created using Bing Copilot to write the prompts and create the images.

images with Swirling colors and music notes

Music - Composition and Theory 

Prompt: "An abstract representation of musical notes, rhythms, and harmonies, with swirling colors and patterns to visualize the emotional and mathematical elements of music. The image should have a contemporary, artistic feel to engage students."

AI generated imaged of a scene from Romeo and Juliet, a man and a woman dancing in a courtyard

English Literature - Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 

Prompt: "A romantic, Renaissance-inspired scene featuring Romeo and Juliet in a moonlit garden, with ornate architecture and lush foliage in the background. The image should have a dreamy, painterly quality with soft, warm colors to evoke the play's themes of love and tragedy." 

a dynamic image showing business related imagery, logos, with clip-art people

Business - Entrepreneurship

Prompt: ”A dynamic, modern illustration depicting the various aspects of entrepreneurship, such as innovation, risk-taking, and leadership. The image should have a bold, graphic style with bright colors and geometric shapes to convey the energy and creativity of the startup world.”