Hibbs Briefs
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Hibbs Institute for Business & Economic Research
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Ph: 903.565.5952
Fx: 903.566.7372
Hibbs Institute for Business & Economic Research
The Hibbs Brief is written every other month. Essentially, this missive examines a topic of interest at the national level and discusses the regional implications in a very brief, explanatory way, with a focus in Tyler, TX.
Current Edition:
A Model of a Veteran-Friendly Community
Previous Editions:
- Made in East Texas: The Powerhouse of the Manufacturing Industry
- One of the Magnificent Seven is Coming: Amazon Arrives in East Texas
- The Best Places to Raise a Family in Texas: Developing the Hibbs Institute Family Index
- Tyler Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA): A Texas Veteran-Friendly Community
- Remote Jobs: Working from Home, an Increasing Trend
- Housing Affordability: How Big is This Problem in Tyler?
- Can Seasonal Events Boost Local Economies? The Total Solar Eclipse Weekend in Tyler, Texas
- Exploring STEM Opportunities: A Focus on Economic Potential in East Texas
- Is Our Population Aging? Why Does It Matter?
- The Hispanic Community is Growing in Presence and Relevance in Texas, and East Texas is no Exception
- Visiting the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Palestine, Texas
- Spreading Kindness and Generosity: Nonprofits, Fundraising and Volunteering in East Texas
- Domestic Migration in the Post-Pandemic Era–Net Gain or Loss?
- The New Adolescent Epidemic: Vaping and the Electronic Cigarette
- The Semiconductor Industry: A Revolutionary Market in America
- The Hibbs Institute Health Index: Examining Health Conditions in Tyler and Other Cities in the Region
- The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Many Retail Stores May Concur
- What is Quiet Quitting?
- Inflation Reduction Act: The Five-Minute Version
- Tyler, Texas: Becoming More Military & Veteran Friendly - July 4, 2022
- Employment Recovery: It Doesn’t Advance at the Same Pace Everywhere
- Why Inflation Numbers are Running High
- Estimating the Economic Contribution of the Hispanic Community in Tyler
- The Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Tyler
- The Housing Market: Will It Crash or Boom in 2021?
- COVID-19 Pandemic Effects on the Hotel Industry during 2020 in Tyler MSA
- Tyler: The Rose City
- East Texas Employees and Organizations: Ready, Willing and Adapting in Meeting Challenges
- COVID-19 Numbers in Texas, in the Second Wave
- COVID–19 Cases in Tyler MSA, East Texas and Overall Texas
- Tyler MSA Loses $220.5 Million, Longview MSA Loses $168.6 Million to Stay-at-Home Orders
- COVID–19 by the Numbers in Texas
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Tyler’s Economy
- Health Care Related Education in Tyler MSA
- About The Hibbs Institute
- The University of Texas at Tyler Economic Impact on Texas
- The Christmas Season (A Different Perspective)
- The Number of Restaurants is Growing in the Tyler MSA
- The Federal Reserve lowered their rate…why do we care?
- The Hibbs Institute Health Index
- A Simple Explanation of Gross Domestic Product with Tyler's Output as an Example
- Adjusting per Capita Personal Income for Lower Cost of Living Puts Tyler near the Top
- Regional Economics: Economic Impact Analysis
- Entrepreneurship Activity as a Local Economic Driver in the Tyler (MSA)
- Comparing Property Taxes
- Importance of Religious Organizations in the Tyler MSA
- Economics for Daily Use - Economics 101: Tariffs and Trade - Part 2; Deficits, China and More
- Economics for Daily Use - Economics 101: Tariffs and Trade
Contact Us
Hibbs Institute for Business & Economic Research
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Ph: 903.565.5952
Fx: 903.566.7372