Swoop camp during first-year orientation at UT Tyler

Únete a la familia Patriot

Comienza tu solicitud de admisión


Construye tu futuro

Descubre tu futuro en The University of Texas en Tyler. Explora lo que te apasiona y crea vínculos en nuestra acogedora comunidad de estudiantes y profesores, que contribuyan a tu éxito académico y profesional desde tu primer día y hasta que te gradúes. Accede a oportunidades que te ayuden a adquirir las habilidades que demanda la fuerza laboral global de hoy e impulsa tus aspiraciones.

Todo viaje empieza con un primer paso. Comienza el tuyo llenando la solicitud de admisión a UT Tyler para nuevos estudiantes de primer año.

Cómo enviar tu solicitud de admisión a UT Tyler

Sigue estos sencillos pasos para unirte a la familia Patriot.

1. Llena tu solicitud de admisión

Envía tu solicitud de admisión a UT Tyler en ApplyTexas a partir del 1 de julio. Tienes que pagar una tarifa no reembolsable de $60 ($75 para los estudiantes internacionales) por el trámite de la solicitud.

2. Envía tus notas oficiales

Pídele a tu consejero escolar (bachillerato/preparatoria) que le envíe tus notas oficiales a UT Tyler a processing@uttyler.edu, a través de nuestro centro de servicio integral o por correo postal al Departamento de Admisiones de Pregrado.

3. Envía los resultados de tus pruebas de preparación universitaria, si están disponibles

Envíanos los resultados de las pruebas ACT o SAT, si los tienes.

4. Da seguimiento a tu solicitud

Una vez envíes tu solicitud de admisión, revisa con regularidad el correo que indicaste en ella para recibir información actualizada al respecto. También puedes iniciar sesión en tu portal de estudiante en myUTTyler para darle seguimiento al estatus de tu solicitud y completar lo que tengas pendiente.


Razones para estudiar en The University of Texas en Tyler

Seguimos mirando hacia adelante a través de programas que reflejan las expectativas de los empleadores locales y globales, la investigación y la innovación, y las experiencias que se convierten en los hitos hacia una carrera trascendental. Desarrolla tu futuro en nuestro bello campus de 320 acres.

50 + programas de pregrado

Desarrolla una carrera en torno a lo que te interesa.  

80 + clubs y organizaciones

Crea vínculos de por vida con tus compañeros en nuestra comunidad.    

23 Centros de investigación

Busca respuestas a los más recientes desafíos, desde la atención médica hasta la ciberseguridad y el emprendimiento, con oportunidades abiertas para los estudiantes de grado interesados y curiosos.  

Requisitos de admisión de pregrado

Incoming first-year students are individuals who are finishing high school or who have completed high school but have yet to earn 30 semester credit hours from an accredited two- or four-year institution.

Individuals with 30 or more credit hours from an accredited institution will apply to UT Tyler as a transfer student. Review admission requirements for transfer students.

Students applying from outside of the United States are advised to follow all international admission requirements to complete their application.

Students must complete an accredited high school program and meet the following requirements:

Top 25% Automatic Admission
2nd Quartile Minimum of 2.75 GPA
3rd Quartile Minimum of 2.75 GPA
4th Quartile Minimum of 2.75 GPA

Top 25% applicants:

  • The applicant must graduate from an accredited high school and have a grade point average in the Top 25% of the applicant's high school graduating class to be admitted automatically (subject to applicable enrollment limit).
  • An applicant is only eligible for automatic admission up to two years from their high school graduation date.

Regular admission:

  • An applicant who does not qualify for automatic admission but meets the following listed criteria also qualifies for regular admission.

For Home School Students

Requirements for home-schooled students entering as freshmen are as follows:

  • Must have a 2.75 minimum GPA.
  • Official notarized HS transcript.

Minimum High School Units Required

Beginning freshmen must submit an official high school transcript before classes begin in order to verify graduation and completion of required courses. Review the State of Texas Uniform Admissions Policy for a complete listing of all admission requirements for state four-year public institutions.

For more information on required coursework, please visit House Bill 5: Foundation High School Program | Texas Education Agency. Also, contact admissions@uttyler.edu with any questions.

In addition to the current university requirements for admission, applicants must also have either:

  • Successfully completed the curriculum requirements for the foundation with endorsement or distinguished level of achievement high school program or its equivalent; or
  • Satisfied ACT's College Readiness Benchmarks on the ACT assessment application to the applicant or earned on the SAT assessment a score of at least 1090 out of 1160 or the equivalent.

Review additional admission requirements for incoming first-year students.

High School Transcript

An official high school transcript with high school graduation verification is required for final admission. Official transcripts can be sent electronically from your high school to processing@uttyler.edu. An official transcript signed and sealed by your high school may also be mailed to the address below or hand-delivered to the One-Stop Service Center.

UT Tyler Office of Admissions
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799

College Transcripts

Official transcripts are required from each college or university attended. Photocopies and faxed transcripts will not be considered for final admission. Coursework from one college posted on the transcript of another college will not be considered for final admission.


Due to COVID-19, The University of Texas at Tyler will be waiving SAT and ACT requirements for the 2023-2024 academic year. Students are still encouraged to send test scores with their application if available.

Should you decide to submit scores, you can request that official SAT or official ACT scores are sent from the testing agency. To request that your scores be sent after the exam, use the following codes:

UT Tyler SAT code: 6850
UT Tyler ACT code: 4231

AP, CLEP and IB Scores

Credit by examination may be established through testing programs, such as the Advanced Placement Program, the College Level Examination Program and International Baccalaureate. Guidelines for credit by examination are listed below. AP, CLEP and IB credit received from a prior college or university will transfer as credit was awarded.

All prospective students applying to The University of Texas at Tyler are classified as a state resident, nonresident or foreign student. Classification influences the admissions process and tuition. Review residency classifications and how to establish Texas residency .

Students who do not meet the minimum admission requirements may appeal their admissions decision by submitting an Admissions Decision Appeal form and supporting documentation.

Ayuda financiera y becas

The University of Texas en Tyler te orienta hacia el éxito al ofrecer matrículas accesibles y muchas oportunidades de ayuda financiera como becas competitivas y al mérito para reconocer tus logros. Aprende más sobre la Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA®) y los tipos de ayuda financiera disponible para los estudiantes que ingresan a primer año.

A male first-year student sits outdoors on The University of Texas at Tyler's campus

Próximos pasos

Descubre un lugar donde puedes prosperar y descubrir tu futuro. Da el siguiente paso.