Career Success Coach Request

Request a Career Presentation-Don't Cancel Class

Office of Career Success

Are you expecting to miss one or more of your classes this semester due to a professional or personal conflict? Instead of canceling class, invite one of our Career Success Coaches to guide your students through a career development workshop of your choice. Our workshops include a wide variety of topics including resume writing, job and internship search, interviewing tips, and professionalism. All workshops are approximately 45 minutes long but we are happy to extend or shorten the workshop if necessary.

In order to have adequate time to prepare your workshop, we generally ask for a two-week notice (requests sent with less than a two-week notice will still be reviewed). We will respond to requests within 4 business days. Even if you don't need to cancel class, you are always welcome to request any of these presentations throughout the year. For more information, please see the following list of workshop options.


Resume Writing

This workshop focuses on providing students with the tools to effectively communicate their job skills and work experience on a resume.

Job/Internship Search Strategies with an Emphasis on Handshake

Students will learn effective job search and networking strategies in this workshop. The presentation will include an overview of Handshake, our online recruiting platform.

Interviewing Tips

This workshop targets ways to improve interview skills. It brings attention to not only verbal communication, but also nonverbal communication as it relates to the interview experience.


This workshop creates an overview of what it means to be professional in and out of the workplace. It will include tips on dressing professionally, creating a strong sense of communication, as well as other aspects of professional appearance.

Building Your Social Media Brand- LinkedIn

In this workshop, students will learn how to create a quality LinkedIn profile to ensure future networking and job opportunities.


If you are interested in requesting a Career Success Presenation, please click the button below and fill out the form.

Request a Career Success Presentation