Abdelaziz Lab

Our lab received an R15 Award from the National Cancer Institute (NCI/NIH)! The funded project will study the development of novel allosteric inhibitors that target HER2 oncogene in breast cancer. GO TEAM!

Recent News

  • Our lab successfully completed the first R21 Award in UT Tyler from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID/NIH)! The project focused on studying how mutations of the bacterial sensor histidine kinase VraS affect the enzyme catalytic functions, affinity to ATP, receptor dimerizatoin, and interaction with its response regulator VraR. 
  • Congratulations to Allison Sundehaus for earning her BSc in Chemistry and Biochemistry, winning UT Tyler Rising Student Employee Award, and getting accepted in the Biotechnology Master's program at TWU!!
  • Congratulations to Antonio Gomez for earning his PharmD degree, winning the Steve Coleman Leadership Award, and First place in the UT Tyler Lyceum Graduate Student Poster Award!!
  • Congratulations to Alvin. He graduated (BS in Biology), got accepted to the Fisch College of Pharmacy, and won the ACS Bridge Award!!
  • Our lab successfully completed The Research Publication Grant from American Association of University Women to fund our project: "Optimization aof Kinase Expression in E. coli". Findings were published in an article in PLoS One journal.
  • Lab research featured in UT Tyler first research video series advertised in local media.