Roadmap to Success, Nursing

Continue on Your Road to Success


Sophomore Year

VN Track
After selection to the Vocational Nursing Program, you will begin taking nursing courses in the fall and graduate the following August. Upon successfully completing the program requirements, you will be recommended to the Board of Nursing to take the licensing exam to become an LVN. By following this track, you can be working in the field while simultaneously pursuing a BSN at UT Tyler in Palestine.

BSN Track
Congratulations! If you have completed 30 hours of dual-credit courses, you can enroll at the Trinity Valley Community College Palestine campus as a sophomore student. Be sure to complete all the prerequisite courses required by the UT Tyler School of Nursing. These courses must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.75 or higher prior to being considered for admission to the School of Nursing.

  • Contact the UT Tyler - Palestine Campus nursing advisor at 903.727.2308 or to review your class schedule and the application process for admission to the College of Nursing.
  • Contact the Financial Aid Office at 903.566.7180 or visit the UT Tyler financial aid website to learn what assistance is available.

Information about The University of Texas at Tyler BSN degree program offered through the Palestine campus can be found at the UT Tyler Palestine Campus website or by contacting an advisor at 903.727.2308 or

Visit the TVCC and UT Tyler websites for additional information about these and other health-related educational opportunities, including the TVCC ADN program.

NEXT: College Junior and Senior Years