Correspondence Exams
Contact Us
The University of Texas at Tyler Longview University Center3201 N. Eastman Road
Longview, TX 75605
Office Hours:
Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.663.8100
Fx: 903.663.8104
Correspondence Exams
Longview University Center
Proctoring for college-level correspondence courses is available in the LUC Testing Center. It is the student's responsibility to request that the exams for their course be sent to the LUC Testing Center and to register to test on a specific date. Exams that are not taken within 30 days of receipt are returned to the sender.
To take a correspondence test:
- Request from your University that you take the exam at the LUC Testing Center.
- Fill out the Correspondence Request Form
- Call the LUC Testing Center at 903.663.8114 to setup an appointment.
- On the day of the test:
- Pay your proctor fee in the LUC Administration Office.
- Bring your receipt to the Testing Center.
- Bring a photo ID and any materials needed for your specific test.
- Exams may be computer- or paper-based.
- Pencils and scratch paper can be provided by the LUC Testing Center staff.
Contact Us
The University of Texas at Tyler Longview University Center3201 N. Eastman Road
Longview, TX 75605
Office Hours:
Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.663.8100
Fx: 903.663.8104