Pulmonary Medicine Trials
A Multicentre, Randomized, Double[1]Blind, Parallel Group, Placebo-controlled, Time-to-first Asthma Exacerbation Phase III Efficacy and Safety Study of Benralizumab in Paediatric Patients with Severe Eosinophilic Asthma (DOMINICA)
The study purpose is to learn more about benralizumab (the drug that will be tested in this study) to find out if it may result in an improvement of severe eosinophilic asthma and associated health problems in children.
Sponsor: AstraZeneca AB
NCT05692180 - IRB#2022-174
Multicenter randomized pragmatic clinical trial comparing two-versus three-antibiotic
therapy for pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex disease
The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness and tolerability of a 2-study drug treatment regimen and a 3-study drug treatment regimen in subjects who have recently been diagnosed with pulmonary (lung) disease caused by Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC).
Sponsor: PCORI
IRB#: 1084
Bronchiectasis Registry
The purpose of the program is to identify a group of people who are interested in receiving information about research studies focused on bronchiectasis and/or non-tuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM) and possibly participating in these research studies.
Sponsor: COPD Foundation
IRB#: 872
CF Registry
The goal of the Patient Registry is to collect data on individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) to better understand the illness and ultimately improve the care and survival of those with CF.
Sponsor: CFF
IRB#: 678
Development of a nontuculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease symptom scale
Development of a nontuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease symptom scale
Sponsor: FDA
IRB#: 2022-011
Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of an Amikacin Liposome Inhalation Suspension (ALIS)-Based Regimen in Adult Subjects with Newly Diagnosed Nontuberculous Mycobacterial (NTM) Lung Infection
ENCORE 416 – A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Active Comparator, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of an Amikacin Liposome Inhalation Suspension (ALIS)-Based Regimen in Adult Subjects with Newly Diagnosed Nontuberculous Mycobacterial (NTM) Lung Infection Caused by Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC)
Sponsor: Insmed
NCT04677569 - IRB # 2021-002
BRONCH Study (Bronchiectasis Results Of Natural Clinical History)
Sponsor: UTHSCT
IRB#: 1116