Soules College of Business Student Orgs


Student Organizations

UT Tyler Soules College of Business

Honor Societies

Soules College of Business 

  • Soules Ambassadors
    The Soules Ambassadors are a group of highly motivated, business-oriented students focused on the betterment of the Soules College of Business through student outreach, the facilitation of communication between students and faculty, and representing the student body at professional events. Over the years we have met with pillars of national government, international business, and even members of the United Nations. In addition, we have created the student forum to increase the power of student voices and help faculty better understand what pitfalls consistently occur over the course of a student's degree.

    If you are a hard working, professional individual who feels that they can represent the college and diligently help their fellow students, we are looking for new members. We only ask that you put forward the effort that you are capable of.
  • Minorities in Business
    We strive to provide students with opportunities to develop their leadership and communication skills. We also provide service to our local community. To achieve these objectives, we have meetings, community service events, and fundraisers at least monthly. For example, in conjunction with BAP, we have hosted high school students from Tyler ISD to explain the benefits of pursuing careers in accounting and finance. MIB also successfully provided UT Tyler students with opportunities to have professional headshots taken in order to enhance their professional image for career fairs and on Linkedin. Check us out on instagram mibuttyler or email


Department of Accounting, Finance & Business Law

  • Financial Management Association (FMA)
    FMA at UT Tyler is an active group of business students who are passionate about excelling in their future careers. Students meet biweekly to have round table discussions with various industry professionals. FMA is a great group to join if you want to learn more about the different types of finance and accounting professions available to students after graduation. FMA has amazing networking and leadership opportunities that teach you crucial soft skills that cannot necessarily be thought in the classroom. Interested in joining? Contact Dr. Vivek Pandey for more information. 

Department of Human Resource Development

  • Student Society of Human Resource Development (SSHRD)
    SSHRD is dedicated to empowering and supporting UT Tyler HRD undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level students as well as preparing them for future success. This organization works to achieve this goal through education, professional development, networking, mentorship, and collaboration.  Leveraging the experiences of local company professionals, networking events with UT Tyler HRD Alumni, focus-group circles with organization members and faculty, hosting key-note speaker events and optional annual attendance to conferences.  We seek to provide multiple opportunities to give members valuable experience to incorporate into their academic and professional pursuits. Contact Dr. Sangok Yoo for more information.

Department of Management and Marketing

  • American Marketing Association (AMA)
    As an AMA member, you have the opportunity to network, meet, and learn from dedicated marketing professionals. The goal of AMA is to provide future marketing leaders with the resources and skills to shape and transform the industry. AMA is a nationwide association and has over 320 active collegiate chapters. The UT Tyler chapter provides you insight into what the different careers of marketing look like with relevant speaker events from business practitioners to alumni in the marketing field as well as a space to network! Anyone who has an interest in marketing is welcome to join! Contact Dr. Kevin James for more information. 

  • Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM)
    SHRM is the world's largest association devoted to human resource management. The mission of our chapter is to help students of all majors by providing programs such as Linkin and resume workshops, panel discussions overing relevant topics, and networking events that include students interested in HR and local HR professionals. Activities include monthly general meetings, volunteering opportunities, and guest speakers throughout the year.  The knowledge that students gain through SHRM general meetings and special events can be applied in future HR or management positions.  All students are welcome to complete a member application. Dues are $10 annually. Contact Amy Clem for more information.

Department of Computer Science

  • Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
    ACM Student Chapters enable students to fully engage in its professional activities. Participants from more than 500 colleges and universities worldwide enhance their learning through the exchange of ideas with other students and established professionals. ACM offers $1.5 million in scholarships and affordable student memberships. Both undergraduate and graduate student members can compete in ACM Student Research Competitions. Students benefit by sharing their research with peers in academia and industry luminaries, gaining recognition and experience, and earning rewards. Contact Dr. Leonard Brown for more information. 

Department of Technology

  • Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE)
    The ATMAE student chapter attends the ATMAE annual conferences. UT Tyler students have attended, competed, and placed in several of the student competitions. Since the 2010 conference, UT Tyler ATMAE chapter has won the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2021 ATMAE Outstanding Student Chapter Award and numerous individual awards, including best research paper. In addition, the student chapter has competed in ATMAE's Robotics Competition for the fourth time in nine years and placed in three of those competitions. ATMAE participates in numerous community service activities around Tyler including Adopt-a-Spot where we clean up University Boulevard, participated in Arbor Day on campus, and clean up the campus day activity to name a few. We have held several fundraiser activities throughout the year and on campus and have end of the year socials where students are able to socialize with other students and faculty. Contact Dr. Heshium Lawrence for more information. 

  • Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
    SME is a nonprofit association of professionals, educators and students committed to promoting and supporting the manufacturing industry. SME helps manufacturers innovate, grow and prosper by promoting manufacturing technology, developing a skilled workforce and connecting the manufacturing industry. SME supports manufacturing based on our core belief: Manufacturing is key to economic growth and prosperity. The UT Tyler Chapter of SME tours several industries each year to see how they manufacture products and network with professionals. This allows students the opportunity for internships and possible full time positions.  SME is open to anyone who has an interest in manufacturing. Annual dues include access to the SME job database that companies utilize to hire new employees. Many of our graduates have gained employment using this tool. Contact Dr. Mark Miller for more information.