Master of Science in Finance

Accounting, Finance & Business Law Programs

STEM designated 30 credit-hour graduate program designed to empower you with analytical and conceptual skills to thrive in careers in financial analytics, practice, wealth management and planning.

The objective of the Master of Science in finance degree program is to prepare students for professional careers in financial and investment analysis. It is flexible enough to accommodate applicants with an undergraduate degree in any discipline who demonstrate the potential for success in the graduate study of finance, as indicated by prior academic achievement, a satisfactory score on the Graduate Management Admission Test and other relevant factors.

The demand for specialists in financial and investment analysis is soaring. According to JobsEQ, positions in East Texas have experienced a remarkable 12.6% annual growth rate over the past five years, with a mean salary of $93,600 in 2022. We are here to prepare you for success in this thriving industry.

Students entering the finance master's program are expected to have a background equivalent to that of students graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in finance from The University of Texas at Tyler, or to obtain such background through specified prerequisite coursework.

A STEM-based finance program provides:

  • Interdisciplinary focus
  • Technically-competent graduates
  • Two additional years of optional practice training for international students

Upon successful completion of the MS in finance STEM track, students will be able to:

  • Evaluate tradeoffs between risks and returns using appropriate quantitative measures
  • Value financial and real assets using a variety of appropriate quantitative methods
  • Provide sound financial recommendations for corporate financial management and personal wealth management
  • Communicate results and recommendations in a fashion studied for audiences with varying levels of sophistication

More Information

General Graduate Admission Requirements

The 4 + 1 Option

Are you an undergraduate Finance student with intentions to go to graduate school?

Save time and money by starting now. By enrolling in the MSF program in your senior year, you can take up to 9 hours (3 courses) of graduate credits which will also substitute for 3 courses required in your BBA- Finance program.

You benefit from:

  • Completing 9 out of 30 credit hours of the MSF program before finishing your BBA, leaving you with only 21 credit hours to complete the MSF program.
  • Paying undergraduate tution, which is lower than graduate tution, for those 9 hours.

More specifically, you can take the following courses in the 4+1 program which count for the MSF program as well as substitute the indicated required courses in the BBA-Finance program.

  • FINA 5320 for FINA 4340
  • FINA 5330 for FINA 4330
  • FINA 5357 for FINA 4357

Department of Accounting and Finance and Business Law

Graduate Programs Advising