Speech Communication Masters Degree
Contact Us
Department of Communication3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7253
Fx: 903.566.7287
Graduate Program
Course Descriptions
COMM 5300: Human Communication Theory
This course examines the major lines of theoretical development in the study of human
communication and the diverse and alternative metatheoretical bases for theory construction
and critical analysis. Attention is given to questions of causal and practical necessity,
and to reductionist and holistic analysis of communication processes and phenomenon.
COMM 5301: Literature of Journalism
A survey of the literature. Students will read general and specialized literature
as a basis for group discussion.
COMM 5303: Public Opinion and Propaganda
Study of propaganda theory and methods, emphasis on opinion-making processes in governments,
political parties, pressure groups, and mass media. Critical examination and synthesis
of past and ongoing research on propaganda.
COMM 5305: Theories of Mass Communication
A study of the theories of mass communication. Emphasis will be placed on understanding
the process and effects of mass media.
COMM 5307: Quantitative Methods of Investigation
Study of tools, techniques, and designs of research used to investigate the control,
content, audience, and effects of communication -- including mass media.
COMM 5310: Communication Research Methods
Introduction to the uses, assumptions, processes, techniques, principles, and critical
evaluation of qualitative and quantitative research methods applied in the systematic
study of communication.
COMM 5315: Mass Media and Popular Culture
An examination of popular culture with emphasis on the role of television, cable,
film, magazines, internet, and emerging technologies in transmitting symbols and images.
COMM 5325: Qualitative Methods of Investigation
Qualitative analysis of the complexities of public communication and the essential
nature of human speech and its resources and problems. This course is intended for
students who are interested in the rhetorical analysis of public address and persuasion.
COMM 5328: Leadership and the Group Process
Involves the student in a definition of leadership and its role within the processes
of small groups. It is a theoretical study of communication networks, human motivation,
conflict reduction, and the introduction of social change.
COMM 5329: Topics in Communication Theory
An analysis of major communication theories in journalism and speech communication
with an emphasis on current ideas and literature. May be repeated once for credit
when content changes.
COMM 5330: Gender and Communication
A study of gendered communication behaviors and their impact on various communication
contexts including intimacy, the family, group, and the business world.
COMM 5335: Seminar in Organizational Communication
A critical look at the role of communication in formal organizations, both public
and private. Emphasis on a review of literature and field research in selected communication
situations and problems.
COMM 5340: Seminar in Intercultural Communication
Designed to provide the student with the opportunity to acquire theoretical guidelines
and experiential applications in the study of human communication across cultures
including intercommunity, transnational, and global communications.
COMM 5345: New Media Theories and Applications
This course involves an exploration of the cognitive, linguistic, and interpretive
approaches to the study of new media. Consideration will be given to both the practical
and theoretical values of new media.
COMM 5350: Nonverbal Communication
A study of the effects of space and territory, physical appearance, bodily movement,
touching, the face and eyes, and paralanguage on the total communication process.
COMM 5351: Freedom and Responsibility of Communication
An examination of issues and cases in freedom of speech with particular application
to ethics in speech communication. The nature and function of public communication,
the challenges to freedom of speech, and the ethics of communication are explored.
COMM 5399: Independent Study
Independent study in specific areas of speech communication or journalism not covered
by organized graduate courses. A maximum of six credit hours of independent study
courses may be applied toward a graduate degree. Prerequisite: Consent of advisor
or department chair.
COMM 5395: Thesis
Selection of research topic and development of thesis plan.
COMM 5396: Thesis
Completion and defense of thesis. Prerequisites: COMM 5395 or concurrent enrollment
and consent of advisor.
Contact Us
Department of Communication3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7253
Fx: 903.566.7287