UT Tyler Department of Biology
Contact Us
Department of Biology
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7402
Course Syllabi and Course Offerings
- Course Offerings (Fall 2015 - Fall 2018)
Spring 2025
BIOL 1302 - Introduction to Life Sciences II
BIOL 1306 - General Biology I
BIOL 1307 - General Biology II
BIOL 1307 - General Biology II Online
BIOL 1330 - Biology in Pop Culture
BIOL 1340 - Genetics and Society
BIOL 2301 - Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 2302 - Anatomy & Physiology II Online
BIOL 2302 - Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 2320 - Introduction to Microbiology
BIOL 3329 - Genomics
BIOL 3332 - Genetics
BIOL 3334 - Cell Biology
BIOL 3336 - Ecology
BIOL 3338 - Evolution
BIOL 3339 - Plant Biology
BIOL 3343 - Physiology
BIOL 3350 - Biodiversity of Ecuador
BIOL 4114 - Scientific Communication I
BIOL 4115 - Scientific Communication II
BIOL 4300 - Microbiology
BIOL 4330 - Herpetology
BIOL 4335 - Vertebrate Natural History
BIOL 4350 - Immunology
BIOL 5193 - Graduate Seminar
BIOL 5193.01 - Barcoding
BIOL 5334.001 - Ecotoxicology
BIOL 5338 - Animal Physiology
BIOL 5376 - Evolutionary Ecology
Laboratory Classes
BIOL 1106 - General Biology I Laboratory
BIOL 1107 - General Biology II Laboratory
BIOL 2101 - Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory
BIOL 2102 - Anatomy & Physiology II Laboratory
BIOL 2120 - Introduction to Microbiology Laboratory
BIOL 3133 - Gentics Labortory
BIOL 3134 - Cell Biology Laboratory
BIOL 3137 - Ecology Laboratory
BIOL 3139 - Plant Biology Laboratory
BIOL 3144 - Physiology Laboratory
BIOL 4101 - Microbiology Laboratory
BIOL 4131 - Herpetology Laboratory
BIOL 4136 - Vertebrate Natural History Laboratory
Fall 2024
- BIOL 1306 - General Biology I
- BIOL 1306.06 - General Biology I Online
- BIOL 2302 - Anatomy & Physiology II
- BIOL 3334 - Cell Biology
- BIOL 3336 - Ecology
- BIOL 4300 - Microbiology
- BIOL 4306 - Bioinformatics
- BIOL 4331\5331 - Insect Biology
- BIOL 5193 - Biostatistics
- BIOL 5303 - Cellular Physiology
- BIOL 5380.001 - Molecular Ecology
- BIOL 5380.002 - Molecular Ecology
Laboratory Classes
- BIOL 1106 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.001 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.003 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.005 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.006 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.008 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.009 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.014 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.d030 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.d031 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1107 - General Biology II Laboratory
- BIOL 2102 - Anatomy & Physiology II Laboratory
- BIOL 3134 - Cell Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 3139 - Plant Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 4101 - Microbiology Laboratory
- BIOL 4106 - Bioinformatics Laboratory
- BIOL 4132 - Insect Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 4132.001-002 - Insect Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 4137 - Wildlife Management Laboratory
- BIOL 4137.001-004-005 - Wildlife Management Laboratory
Spring 2024
- BIOL 1307.06 - General Biology II Online
- BIOL 2301 - Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIOL 2302 - Anatomy & Physiology II
- BIOL 3334 - Cell Biology
- BIOL 3336 - Ecology
- BIOL 3338 - Biological Evolution
- BIOL 3339 - Plant Biology
- BIOL 3343 - Physiology
- BIOL 3350 - Conservation Biology
- BIOL 4115 - Scientific Communication II
- BIOL 4300 - Microbiology
- BIOL 4330 – Herpetology
- BIOL 5193 - Biostatistics
- BIOL 5303 - Cellular Physiology
- BIOL 5303.001 - Cellular Physiology
- BIOL 5342 - Bioinformatics
- BIOL 5380 - Molecular Ecology
- BIOL 5380.001 - Molecular Ecology
Laboratory Classes
- BIOL 1106 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.001 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.002 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 3134 - Cell Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 3144 - Human Physiology Laboratory
- BIOL 3137.001 - Ecology Laboratory
- BIOL 3137.002 - Ecology Laboratory
- BIOL 3139.001 - Plant Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 3139.002 - Plant Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 4101 - Microbiology Laboratory
Fall 2023
- BIOL 2301 - Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIOL 2302 - Anatomy & Physiology II
- BIOL 3332 - Genetics
- BIOL 3334 - Cell Biology
- BIOL 3343 - Physiology
- BIOL 4304 - Biogeography
- BIOL 5193 - Biostatistics
- BIOL 5333.060 - Landscape Ecology
Laboratory Classes
- BIOL 1106.006 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.008 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.009 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.014 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1106.d031 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 3144 - Human Physiology Laboratory
- BIOL 3137 - Ecology Laboratory
- BIOL 3139.001 - Plant Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 3139.002 - Plant Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 4101.001 - Microbiology Laboratory
- BIOL 4101.002 - Microbiology Laboratory
- BIOL 5133 - Landscape Ecology Laboratory
Spring 2023
- BIOL 1302 - Introduction to LIfe Sciences II
- BIOL 1306 - General Biology I
- BIOL 1306.06 - General Biology I Online
- BIOL 1307 - General Biology II
- BIOL 1307.06 - General Biology II Online
- BIOL 2301 - Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIOL 2302 - Anatomy & Physiology II
- BIOL 2302.060 - Anatomy & Physiology II (online course)
- BIOL 2320 - Introduction to Microbiology
- BIOL 3332 - Genetics
- BIOL 3334 - Cell Biology
- BIOL 3336 - Ecology
- BIOL 3338 - Biological Evolution
- BIOL 3339 - Plant Biology
- BIOL 3343 - Physiology
- BIOL 3350 - Conservation Biology
- BIOL 4115 - Scientific Communication II
- BIOL 4300 - Microbiology
- BIOL 4304 - Biogeography
- BIOL 4331\5331 - Insect Biology
- BIOL 5193 - Biostatistics
- BIOL 5338 - Animal Physiology
- BIOL 5380 - Molecular Ecology
Laboratory Classes
- BIOL 1106 - General Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1107 - General Biology II Laboratory
- BIOL 2101 - Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory
- BIOL 2102 - Anatomy & Physiology II Laboratory
- BIOL 2120 - Introduction to Microbiology Laboratory
- BIOL 3133 - Genetics Laboratory
- BIOL 3134 - Cell Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 3144 - Human Physiology Laboratory
- BIOL 3137 - Ecology Laboratory
- BIOL 3139 - Plant Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 4101 - Microbiology Laboratory
- BIOL 4132 - Insect Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 4137 - Wildlife Management Laboratory
- BIOL 5133 - Landscape Ecology Laboratory
Contact Us
Department of Biology
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7402